Holocaust Remembrance Day

Today, on Jan 27, is the 🇩🇪Internationale Tag des Gedenkens an die Opfer des Holocaust (🇬🇧International Holocaust Remembrance Day). The term ‘Holocaust’ describes the genocide of Nazi Germany against Jews in Eurole between 1941 and 1945 – another term is ‘shoah’ from Hebrew. This day commemorates the 6 million jews that were systematically killed under NaziContinue reading “Holocaust Remembrance Day”

Anniversary of the Nuremberg Trials

This day 75 years ago marked the beginn of the so called 🇩🇪Nürnberger Prozesse (🇬🇧Nuremberg Trials) which were the trials against the main culprits and leaders (those who were caught) of the Nazi crimes. These trials took place between November 1945 and April 1949 in Nürnberg. These trials are so important for Germany because theyContinue reading “Anniversary of the Nuremberg Trials”

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